Going to see Pokémon: Detective Pikachu
Yesterday I went to see Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. I was very excited because 1) Pokémon 2) Pikachu and 3) Ryan Reynolds. If you don't what it's about here´s a quick explanation: Tim Goodman is 21 years old (I think) and he does not have a pokémon partner. His dad is a cop in another city and Tim was more or less raised by his grandma. One day Tim gets a call and they tell him that his dad died. Tim goes over there to get closure and pack up his things, but in the apartment he meets a Pikachu that he understands. Things might not be as they seem and the two of them pair up.
I liked the movie, it was entertaining and all the things, I'll make a review on youtube if you want more on that. But when we left were talking about Pokémons and our favourites. I want to be a little original, I want to have my own thoughts and perspective on things but Pikachu is my favourite. I have tried to change my mind but everytime I come back to it. I just love Pikachu. Can't help it. I don't even like the colour yellow that much but I don't care when it's Pikachu. Anyone out there agreeing with me? Or what is your favourite?
Hope you're having a great day and until next time, bye!
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